Earth Day 1970 - 2019: No Time To Waste
EARTH DAY - 2020
oday, 22 April 2020 is observed as World Earth Day. Event is accounted for the control of global warming which is increasing year by year across the globe.
According to a new report compiled by a network led by the World Meteorological Organization, the physical signs of climate change, such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice, contributed to making 2019 the second warmest year on record.

The Paris Agreement’s goals require an emissions peak as soon as possible, followed by sharp reductions. Therefore, many see high ambition in 2020 as fundamental if the world is to get on track to 1.5°C. The UN Secretary-General has called upon countries and the private sector to take decisive actions to halt the rise in GHG emissions by 2020, followed by deep cuts
Earth Day 1970 gave a voice to an emerging public consciousness about the state of our planet —

In the decades leading up to the first Earth Day, Americans were consuming vast amounts of leaded gas through massive and inefficient automobiles. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of the consequences from either the law or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. Until this point, mainstream America remained largely oblivious to environmental concerns and how a polluted environment threatens human health.
In the decades leading up to the first Earth Day, Americans were consuming vast amounts of leaded gas through massive and inefficient automobiles. Industry belched out smoke and sludge with little fear of the consequences from either the law or bad press. Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity. Until this point, mainstream America remained largely oblivious to environmental concerns and how a polluted environment threatens human health.Please go through the link below as the video courtesy to know the origin of the "World Earth Day" movement.
As a need of the hour, USA as a leader of developed nation has took this moment as an intiative to alleviate the increased global warming aa movement on those days.
Perhaps the essentiality shown towards the begin of the moment as failed o achieve till today. Since the greedy mankind on this earth is pretty much busy in intruding the nature's resource illicitly against the nature's law to build his delusionary world in the name of progressive move, just to fulfill his greedy needs. Later, which raises as the global phenomenal factors for the countries to follow the same self-delusive changes in the name of development & technology, by abuse of natural resources, wild life spicies, tribal societies and so on.
Benefits of wildfires
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